Here’s What You Can Do When the World Feels Upside Down

One of the best parts of my job is getting to hear what’s on your mind. Below are answers to three questions I am asked almost every day from patients, family, friends, and this...

Gain Time By Giving It Away

Here’s a novel idea that has science to back it up: The best way to feel like you have more time is to give it away. While there’s no way of adding an hour...

3 Strategies to Master the Art & Science of Asking for a Favor

"Just thinking about it gives me hives," explained my patient. Like many people I know, she doesn't like asking for favors. Most people prefer doing a favor for someone else to asking for one. There...

What Happy Couples Do Differently When Tensions Arise

Life often feels like a game of Wac-A-Mole or, as one patient put it, like an endless wave of attention-requiring energy-draining drudgery: "I basically crisis-surf all day." Not surprisingly, when people report a lot...

How to Push Past Fear

According to most swimming superstars,“Getting in a cold pool first thing in the morning” is the single hardest thing about training. Those first few minutes are the toughest part of the day. They dread...

Mind Over Matter: Can You Cut Calories With a Mindset?

Harvard Professor Ellen Langer’s research reveals a surprising way to burn calories: be aware of and believe in the health benefits of the activity you engage in. Langer and her team told 80 housekeepers at...