Is This How to Have the Time of Your Life?
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics American Time Use Survey, Americans spend more time working, watching television and movies, and using their computers for fun than they did ten years ago. They spend...
7 Ways to Make Your Day a Little Bit Better
When someone visits a psychiatrist for the first time, it’s usually at an inflection point. Something big has happened, is happening or is about to happen. Helping patients navigate their way through this transition...
Is Decentering the Key for Feeling Centered?
When I meet a patient for the first time, I always ask about what they hope to achieve in therapy. Of course, therapy is a process, not an outcome, and as the process unspools,...
7 Ways To Make Love Last
We may live in a world that tells us to go it alone, but at heart, we are social creatures, longing for genuine connection and craving the company and love of our fellow humans....
Stealth Narcissists: How to Spot Them and 3 Sanity Preserving Tips for Dealing with...
When we think about narcissism, certain qualities come to mind: status seeking, admiration requiring, self-glorifying, entitled, arrogant, and a lack of concern for others. The classic chest-thumping narcissist — the grandiose narcissist — is the one...
Should You Come Clean?
Imagine interviewing for your dream job and being asked, “What is the worst grade you’ve ever received on an exam?” Do you come clean and tell them about the “F” you received in Organic...