How do We Inspire Others to Greatness?

Instead of focusing on oneself, oftentimes the best place to find inspiration is in the work of others. This is especially true during challenging times when the temptation is to become more self-focused. It...

Little Acts of Love Have a Big Impact

What makes a person feel loved? In the movies, it's the dramatic expressions of love that melt our hearts. Think Rose and Jack on the bow in Titanic or my all time favorite, the...

What Would Future You Think?

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question we ask children all the time. It asks them to think beyond the here and now and to imagine themselves in...

When It Comes to Venting, Sharing Is Not Caring

It is no wonder that my patient felt drained after spending a weekend with an old friend who was known to be a relentless complainer. Grumbling about what’s bothering you may feel like a good...

Can A Walk In The Park Increase Well-Being?

“In happiness, as in so many other things, location is key.” According to research, a location that maximizes proximity to the natural world is one of the best ways to maximize well-being. Studies show a...

Harness the Science of the “Fresh Start Effect” to Help You Reach Your Goals

“So much for my New Year’s resolution to eat healthy,” lamented my friend as she polished off a bag of M&Ms. If any of the virtuous goals you set at the beginning of the year have...