Don’t Let the Pebbles Pummel You

Determining whether a person is clinically depressed is not an arbitrary decision. Psychiatrists follow strict guidelines specified by the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and look for at least five of...

Why Learning From Failure Is the Key to Success

Without any experience in retail and very little cash, Sara Blakely founded Spanx when she was 29 years old. How did she do it? Was it her parents’ kind words and doting support? Not...

How We Talk About Mental Health Matters

The practice of seeking support when we’re distressed is typically associated with emotional well-being. It makes sense: Most of us believe that having somebody—a friend, a parents, a therapist—who listens to all our travails...

A Counterintuitive Strategy to Give Yourself a Boost

When someone is going through a rough patch, the typical recommendation is that they speak to a professional about what is bothering them. Articulating one’s feelings and challenging negative thought patterns, the thinking goes,...

Mind Over Matter: Can You Cut Calories With a Mindset?

Harvard Professor Ellen Langer’s research reveals a surprising way to burn calories: be aware of and believe in the health benefits of the activity you engage in. Langer and her team told 80 housekeepers at...

Resilience Is the Norm, Not the Exception 

A few days ago, my 12-year-old daughter showed me a video montage she made filled with photos of her and her friends hugging, dancing, and laughing -- all the things 12-year-old girls love doing...