How We Talk About Mental Health Matters

The practice of seeking support when we’re distressed is typically associated with emotional well-being. It makes sense: Most of us believe that having somebody—a friend, a parents, a therapist—who listens to all our travails...

7 Ways To Make Love Last

We may live in a world that tells us to go it alone, but at heart, we are social creatures, longing for genuine connection and craving the company and love of our fellow humans....

You Can Stop Worrying About Finding Yourself

Ten years ago I was invited to give a talk at the American Psychiatric Association's annual meeting. In those days, I wasn't used to public speaking. Like many people, I dreaded the thought of...

What’s the Best Way to Motivate Someone Who Lacks Motivation?

For years, I offered trusty advice to my children about how to achieve academic success. I worked my tail off in school and thought of myself as a treasure trove of information. Convinced that...

Don’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle — 8 Ways to Dial Down Holiday...

For as long as I have been practicing psychiatry, helping patients navigate the stress of the holidays has been a primary focus during the months of November and December. For many, the most wonderful time of...

What Makes People Feel Better During Tough Times?

What enables people to stay strong during periods of stress and uncertainty? An enormous study conducted across 87 countries and involving 20,000 participants during the pandemic identified a simple coping strategy that helped people...