Thinking Positively Won’t Get You Closer to Your Goals

Thinking positive thoughts or wishing for good things to happen is unlikely to lead to constructive change or transformation. As I write about in Everyday Vitality, without taking steps to mobilize what we care...

If You Are Having Trouble Falling Asleep, Try This Science-Backed Method

"If I had a penny for every article I read on why getting enough sleep matters, I would be a rich man," grumbled my exasperated patient. He had read countless stories on why sleep...

Reflect, Don’t React

According to the old adage, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all. (As an aside, growing up, my parents had a needlepoint pillow that occupied prime real estate...

7 Habits That Can Cut the Risk of Depression in Half

“We are what we repeatedly do.” —Aristotle Your answers to these seven questions have serious implications for your mental health: Do you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night? How much junk food...

Autumn Anxiety is Real

Autumn anxiety may not be an official diagnosis but the annual experience of increased stress at this time of year is very real. As seasons go, fall is cited by many of my patients...

How to Head Off Headline Anxiety

There is increasing scientific evidence that the nonstop barrage of disturbing and infuriating stories impacts mental health. Studies show it can worsen feelings of anxiety, sadness and helplessness. People who were glued to coverage...