Stop Telling People What to Do: Try This Game-Changing Strategy Instead

Stop telling me what to do! How many arguments grow out of this rebellious sentiment? Nobody likes to be bossed around. Most of us want to defy any finger-wagging, self-appointed, self-righteous authority. For the record,...

An Everyday Way to Boost Your Emotional Wellbeing

It's nice to be recognized for being nice, but the emotional benefits of doing something good for someone else abound regardless of whether the recipient notices. For example, if a man shovels snow off...

Too Cute to Resist: How Design Influences Behavior

Do cute products sell better? To explore this question, researchers measured the effect of cute, playful and whimsical products on consumption and indulgence. Test participants ate more ice cream when they served themselves ice cream...

Do You Have a Ghost Life?

Do you ever wonder about your unlived life? Do you ever wonder about the life you might have had? I have a patient, S, who was obsessed with her unlived life, her “ghost life,”...

Do you have NDD?

According to a recent survey seventy-five percent of children spend less time outside than the average prison inmate. Yes, that means Bernie Madoff gets more fresh air than most kindergarteners. Adults aren’t any better. On...

This Gadget is Scientifically-Proven to Help You Lose Weight

As we head into summer, and we are inundated by marketing messages heralding the start of beach season, I’m simultaneously struck by how many diet books, apps, and weight loss programs there are out...