Why I’m Prescribing a Mediterranean Diet to My Patients

When I was training to become a psychiatrist, I rarely paid attention to what my patients ate. Unless the person had an eating disorder or depression-associated weight loss, their diet did not get much...

Instead of Asking “What do I want?” Ask This Instead

What do you want out of life? Every once in a while it is important to reflect upon what you are doing with your life. But are you asking the wrong questions? This recent article...

Just Do It: A Counterintuitive Approach to Feeling Good

As a psychiatrist I spent years trying to change how people think. I thought if I could help them become more open-minded, less judgmental or more optimistic, they would be able to initiate the...

Dress Rehearsal of the Mind: How to Overcome Anxiety & Build Confidence

I have always been a little skeptical of visualization techniques. The idea of telling someone to visualize winning the lottery, marrying George Clooney or getting that job at Google sounded more like “The Secret”...

Don’t Let A Single Story Define You: Rewriting Your Past

When I was in training to become a psychiatrist, an old-school mastermind in the field asked the class what I thought was an obvious question: “What do you think the point of therapy is?” Eager beaver...

6 Strategies To Turn A Bad Day Around

It is so easy to start the day on the wrong foot. You spill coffee all over your white shirt, the dog decided to do his business on the new carpet, the milk you...