What Makes People Feel Better During Tough Times?
What enables people to stay strong during periods of stress and uncertainty? An enormous study conducted across 87 countries and involving 20,000 participants during the pandemic identified a simple coping strategy that helped people...
Not What You Think — A Counterintuitive Strategy to Boost Motivation
We all have so much going on in our lives, so let me distill the research on wellbeing for you. Think of these quick bits as a personal apothecary that you can read, refer...
Autumn Anxiety is Real
Autumn anxiety may not be an official diagnosis but the annual experience of increased stress at this time of year is very real. As seasons go, fall is cited by many of my patients...
Do You Salt Your Food Before You Taste It?
Thomas Edison, the driving force behind such innovations as the phonograph, the incandescent light bulb, and the motion picture camera, was also creative when it came to hiring new employees. As part of the...
How to Head Off Headline Anxiety
There is increasing scientific evidence that the nonstop barrage of disturbing and infuriating stories impacts mental health. Studies show it can worsen feelings of anxiety, sadness and helplessness. People who were glued to coverage...
8 Counterintuitive Strategies for a Happier Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Here are a few tips to help you and your family keep the peace and make the most of the holiday:
1. Be clear-eyed
Manage expectations. It’s nice to have...