Dress for Success: Is There a Link Between Red Sneakers and Performance?

What would you think if your lawyer showed up to a meeting in sweatpants? Or your doctor rocked a tank top and ripped jean shorts at your annual check-up? Or the President gave a press...

When Chaos Cultivates Creativity

We tend to divide the world into two types of people—neat freaks or slobs.  We assume neat freaks are organized, goal oriented winners who get things done, get up early and make their beds...


Karen Warner, is Chief Executive and Managing Partner of Tangible Group, which offers consulting and coaching services to Fortune 1000 companies to improve performance and leadership. She shared a popular activity she leads in...

How Nervous Should We Be About AI-Augmented Therapy?

While I like to think of myself as a supportive and responsive doctor, a recently published study in JAMA makes me think again. According to the findings, ChatGPT was more informative and understanding than a real doctor when...

An Antidote for Wound Collecting

“Being impacted by being what happened to you isn’t victimhood, it’s human. Making an identity out of it is victimhood.” — Seerut Chawla The stories we tell about ourselves shape the people we become. If we fixate on...

The Mental Math of Motivation

Question: If you were running a 26-mile marathon and you were running out of gas or starting to feel everything (not in a good way), are you more likely to keep going if you...