Can You Teach Yourself to Be More Optimistic?

The benefits of optimism cannot be ignored. Optimism is associated with vitality, positive moods, increased well-being, better mental and physical health and less anxiety and depression. Optimists are also be more likable and fun to...

Defang Your Dread of Mondays

Pretty much everyone hates Mondays but there is an excellent reason to feel a little less hostile towards the first day of the week. According to research from the University of Pennsylvania, Mondays are...

Is Your Tiny Screen Bad for Your Self-Esteem?

There are a thousand reasons to put down your cell phone. Not only does it lead to smartphone face (the saggy jowls plastic surgeons increasingly see in people who look down all the time),...

Does Your Weekend Exhaust You?

Do you feel exhausted after the weekend? The allure of pleasant, in the moment, and easy activities is powerful. After a long week, it’s hard to resist a bowl of potato chips, a remote...

12 Proven Strategies for Outsmarting Stress

Doctors keep telling us to get rid of the stress in our lives but, for most of us, this is an unrealistic option. Unless you are planning to move to a desert island any...


Can you walk and chew gum at the same time? Lyndon Johnson is credited for creating this idiom during an interview talking about Gerald Ford. It is worth noting that Johnson reportedly said, “He...