Is It Too Late For Change?
“People don’t change.” I remember hearing this from one of my professors in medical school. His comment went hand in hand with everything I thought I knew about human nature: personalities are set in...
Defang Your Dread of Mondays
Pretty much everyone hates Mondays but there is an excellent reason to feel a little less hostile towards the first day of the week. According to research from the University of Pennsylvania, Mondays are...
Is Your Tiny Screen Bad for Your Self-Esteem?
There are a thousand reasons to put down your cell phone. Not only does it lead to smartphone face (the saggy jowls plastic surgeons increasingly see in people who look down all the time),...
Does Your Weekend Exhaust You?
Do you feel exhausted after the weekend? The allure of pleasant, in the moment, and easy activities is powerful. After a long week, it’s hard to resist a bowl of potato chips, a remote...
12 Proven Strategies for Outsmarting Stress
Doctors keep telling us to get rid of the stress in our lives but, for most of us, this is an unrealistic option. Unless you are planning to move to a desert island any...
Too Cute to Resist: How Design Influences Behavior
Do cute products sell better? To explore this question, researchers measured the effect of cute, playful and whimsical products on consumption and indulgence.
Test participants ate more ice cream when they served themselves ice cream...