Monogamy: It’s Fact, Not Opinion

The benefits of relationships and canoodling abound. Yet contrary to what some men may claim in locker rooms, dorm rooms, and after one too many hours at happy hour, more sexual partners does not...

What Is The Ultimate Luxury?

The best things in life aren’t things. -Art Buchwald While nice things may be nice, the relentless pursuit of material goods leaves people feeling empty. More money, a faster car, a brand new dress and a...

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Self-Care?

During an airline safety demonstration, the flight attendant instructs you to put on your oxygen mask before assisting others if the cabin loses pressure. They tell you this for good reason. If you run...

At an Impasse: Who is the Best Person to Ask for Advice?

At inflection points in life—when graduating from college, in between jobs, in between relationships—we do two things: 1. We engage in some form of soul searching. The idea is to reflect and reach deep inside ourselves...

What Makes A Couple Compatible?

I have always wondered about compatibility. What draws two people together. More importantly, what keeps them together? Many believe that chemistry is the answer. This notion of chemistry—an unknowable elixir of passion and fairy...

Why We Love Talking About Ourselves

People just love to talk. We communicate with each other all day long through text messages, emails, phone calls, and face-to-face interactions. Language is a powerful communication tool that enables us to connect, to...