What do Women Really Want?

Women flock towards handsome men but a new study shows that being good looking isn’t everything. Being a good guy matters more. The study shows: …women do indeed find good-looking men desirable—but if they have...

(Not So) Famous Last Words

Do people become more grateful when they are asked to reflect upon their own mortality? Studies show that taking time to thinking about one’s death can actually promote healthy behaviors and help people prioritize what matters most to...

Is Lunch Ever Just Lunch?

There is something sacred about dining together. The mutual enjoyment of food, drink and conversation is about sharing an experience. In a romantic context, there is often the promise of a different kind of...

Grab that Grammy: Why We Still Lust After Rock Stars

In France, a guy stood on the street on three different occasions asking women for their phone numbers. One time, he held no bag; the next, a gym bag; and finally a guitar case....