A Simple Trick for Seeing the World Through Fresh Eyes

Like many jaded New Yorkers, Dolly Faibyshev had stopped noticing her surroundings. The skyscrapers no longer impressed her and the bright lights no longer made her starry-eyed. The hustle and bustle that had once...

There Is No Right or Wrong Way to Grieve

The heartbreak in Nashville is unimaginable. “Unfathomable” is the word that keeps coming to mind. Merriam-Webster defines “unfathomable” as not being capable of being fathomed, immeasurable, impossible to comprehend. As a psychiatrist, I wish I had some way...

Harness the Science of the “Fresh Start Effect” to Help You Reach Your Goals

“So much for my New Year’s resolution to eat healthy,” lamented my friend as she polished off a bag of M&Ms. If any of the virtuous goals you set at the beginning of the year have...

Maybe You Don’t Need to Talk to Someone

Stressed? Burned out? Lonely? Dealing with a breakup? Conflict with a co-worker? Feeling down? The blanket recommendation for anyone going through a rough patch these days is to seek professional help, and many struggling Americans are...

Are You Quiet Quitting Your Relationship?

“The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference” — Elie Wiesel Quiet quitting—the now ubiquitous expression that refers to doing the bare minimum at work—can also happen in relationships. When people quietly quit their...

7 Ways to Check Your Phone Less and Live More

How much time do you spend on your phone a day? Be honest. Due to a combination of denial and genuine lack of awareness, most of us significantly underestimate our daily phone use. A survey found that the...