Q+A | Whenever I’m in a bad mood, people always tell me to let...

Question: When I'm in a bad mood, people always tell me I have to let it go. How do I do that? Answer: Elsa in the film Frozen is probably the only person who has ever benefitted...

How We Talk About Mental Health Matters

The practice of seeking support when we’re distressed is typically associated with emotional well-being. It makes sense: Most of us believe that having somebody—a friend, a parents, a therapist—who listens to all our travails...

Is Humility the Antidote for the Humblebrag?

As the old saying goes, "True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less." In recognition of all Dolly Parton has done for the state of Tennessee, plans were underway...

The Best Way to Get Through a Tough Day

Whenever I had a really demanding day at work, my instinct was always to power through it.  Other than a quick bite at my desk for lunch I never took any breaks and I...

The Best Gift You Can Give is the Gift of Presence

You will have a better holiday if you put your phone away. A study from the University of British Columbia found that phones make social interactions less fun. “When we use our phones while we are...

Autumn Anxiety is Real

Autumn anxiety may not be an official diagnosis but the annual experience of increased stress at this time of year is very real. As seasons go, fall is cited by many of my patients...