Your Body Really Is a Temple (Not a Bodega)

Regular exercise may be far more important for our physical and mental health than we realize. It’s not just about looking good. Regular physical activity reduces the risk of dying from cancer, heart disease...

I’ll Have What She’s Having: Is Your Dinner Partner Making You Fat?

There is an old saying, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” Research suggests we can adapt it to, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your waistline.” How much food...

Skinnier & Smarter, Just Hold the Whipped Cream

When I am trying to be “good,” I eat berries for dessert. New research suggests that eating berries BEFORE a meal may be an even better strategy. In addition to being a healthy snack, the...

Is Eating on the Go Making You Hungry?

Everyone is in a hurry these days but eating on the go is not the answer. Sorry Go-Gurt and pre-packaged cereal (Just add milk!) but taking a break to eat is well worth it. A...

Music as a Performance Enhancing Drug

A large body of scientific research indicates that music positively influences sports and exercise. Dr. Costas Karageorghis, a leader in sports psychology, has conducted dozens of clinical trials with a broad range of professional...

Bright Spots: How to Fix Any Problem

When Save the Children was invited into Vietnam to fight malnutrition, they asked an employee, Jerry Sternin, to open the office. It was a serious challenge. Malnutrition was widespread and seemingly unsolvable. There were countless reasons...