Just One of These a Day Can Keep Anxiety and Stress at Bay

We are often told that happiness comes from within but decades of research points us in a different direction. Accumulating evidence shows that happiness comes from “with” as much as it comes from within. A brand...

Self-Help Is Important. Other-Help Is Too.

One spring a patient named Margot came to my office feeling despondent. At the beginning of the year, she attended a seminar on the importance of self-care, which was titled, "Make This Year All...

This Post Can Save Your Life

If you are ever in need of emergency aid, you better hope that there are NOT a lot of people around. In fact, you would have a better chance of survival if a single...

Hidden Sources of Regret

If only I had moved to Boston... If only I had taken that job... If only I had stayed... If only I had left... If only I had married him... These are all regrets I have heard before. Not...

‘Tis the Season for Contentious Dinner Table Conversations: 3 Strategies to Stop Persuasion Fatigue...

'Tis the season to be merry. For many, 'tis also the season for contentious dinner table conversations. If heated debates about politics, vaccine mandates or any other contentious topics are inevitable with friends and...

A Neuroscience-Backed Strategy for Success

Everyone knows the benefits of exercise so why is it that so few people bother? One study found that 75% of people barely exercise at all. We also know that a healthy diet is...