The Patients Doctors Dread

Most doctors have a great deal of affection for their patients but, truth be told, this is not always the case. “Admitted or not, the fact remains that a few patients kindle aversion, fear,...

What Do Experts Do Better?

We hear ad nauseam that practice makes perfect. And yet… Consider typing. You spend at least an hour or two typing each day. That’s 730 hours of “practice” in the last year alone. Has...

Are You A Work Martyr?

The more time you spend working, the more you get done. Right? Wrong. The 60-hour work week might be the norm but that doesn’t mean it is optimal. In fact, studies show that productivity...

What a Bucket of Popcorn Says About You

In the un-put-downable book Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, the authors describe a famous popcorn study. Moviegoers were given a soda and a free bucket of popcorn on their way...

What Would Future You Think?

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question we ask children all the time. It asks them to think beyond the here and now and to imagine themselves in...

The Mental Math of Motivation

Question: If you were running a 26-mile marathon and you were running out of gas or starting to feel everything (not in a good way), are you more likely to keep going if you...