Bright Spots: How to Fix Any Problem

When Save the Children was invited into Vietnam to fight malnutrition, they asked an employee, Jerry Sternin, to open the office. It was a serious challenge. Malnutrition was widespread and seemingly unsolvable. There were countless reasons...

Harness the Science of the “Fresh Start Effect” to Help You Reach Your Goals

“So much for my New Year’s resolution to eat healthy,” lamented my friend as she polished off a bag of M&Ms. If any of the virtuous goals you set at the beginning of the year have...

Stealth Narcissists: How to Spot Them and 3 Sanity Preserving Tips for Dealing with...

When we think about narcissism, certain qualities come to mind: status seeking, admiration requiring, self-glorifying, entitled, arrogant, and a lack of concern for others. The classic chest-thumping narcissist — the grandiose narcissist — is the one...

Does Size Matter?

Forget apple pie. Ice cream is America’s national dessert. Thanks to Ronald Reagan, July is National Ice Cream Month and although ice cream has competition from frozen yogurt these days, it retains its crown...

A Cure for FOMO

When you scroll less, you live more. "Chill out. It's not realistic to expect to be invited to everything." These words of wisdom were not from a sage but from my 14-year-old daughter in response...

Are Foursomes the Secret to Keeping Romance Alive?

A candlelit dinner for two is the classic way to keep romance alive but research from Wayne State University suggests that going on a double date may be even more effective. A study found that...