Realistic Resolutions That Will Actually Stick

Full disclosure: New Year's resolutions are the bane of my January-February existence. In theory, they are a wonderfully positive chance to turn over a new leaf — to try to get more sleep, exercise...

The Best Way to Get Through a Tough Day

Whenever I had a really demanding day at work, my instinct was always to power through it.  Other than a quick bite at my desk for lunch I never took any breaks and I...

The Patients Doctors Dread

Most doctors have a great deal of affection for their patients but, truth be told, this is not always the case. “Admitted or not, the fact remains that a few patients kindle aversion, fear,...

Q+A | Whenever I’m in a bad mood, people always tell me to let...

Question: When I'm in a bad mood, people always tell me I have to let it go. How do I do that? Answer: Elsa in the film Frozen is probably the only person who has ever benefitted...

If You Need to Remember Something, Do This

People always say that the best way to remember something is to write it down. In college, I took this advice to heart. I would take copious notes during a lecture and then recopy...

Why Reading Is So Good For You

People increasingly tell me they have a hard time starting a book, let alone finishing one. Reading a book takes time and concentration-two rarities of daily experience. There are so many competing demands on attention....