Stay Connected While Keeping Your Distance

As a psychiatrist, I recognize how valuable everyday interactions are for mental health. We are deeply social creatures who need others as much as we need air to breathe. Studies show that frequent positive...

Resilience Is the Norm, Not the Exception 

A few days ago, my 12-year-old daughter showed me a video montage she made filled with photos of her and her friends hugging, dancing, and laughing -- all the things 12-year-old girls love doing...

The Real Housewives Made Me Do It: How TV Influences Behavior

Television has a terrible reputation. I vividly remember my mother telling me my eyes would become square if I watched too much of it. To my knowledge, no studies link watching television with the...


Have you ever lost it in front of your boss? Or had a meltdown in front of colleagues? Few of us haven’t. Here is some game-changing advice for regaining composure — and respect in...

Feeling Socially Stuffed? Have an Exit Strategy

Making a big entrance may be important, but don't underestimate the benefits of having an exit strategy. "I love you all dearly but want you all out by 10pm," announced my friend with a huge...

Music to Your Ears? Psychology Explains Why You Love Certain Songs

Mrs. S couldn’t talk but she sure could sing. I met her when I was an intern on the Neurology service. She had suffered a stroke that destroyed critical speech pathways on the left...