The Perils of Certitude and the Joy of Being Wrong

While it might be human to make mistakes, we are often reluctant to admit to them. When it comes to taking responsibility, we waffle, come up with excuses, or point the finger at someone else. Avoidance...

3 Phrases to Use More of in 2024 and 1 to Use Less

Words hold power. The more we talk about what inspires us, the more inspired we become. The more we talk about what diminishes us, the smaller we feel. What we say shapes our expectations,...

8 Ways to Make Meaningful Small Talk

Does the thought of making small talk fill you with dread? You’re not alone. Most people dislike idle chitchat because it feels fake and like a waste of time. We can all agree that...

Don’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle — 8 Ways to Dial Down Holiday...

For as long as I have been practicing psychiatry, helping patients navigate the stress of the holidays has been a primary focus during the months of November and December. For many, the most wonderful time of...

The Secret Sauce of Gratitude: Look for the Gift Behind the Gift

Before my kids could even talk, I was telling them to say thank you. I must have sounded like a broken record. 🗣️ Say thank you to Daddy for the bedtime story. 🗣️ Say thank you...

8 Counterintuitive Strategies for a Happier Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Here are a few tips to help you and your family keep the peace and make the most of the holiday: 1. Be clear-eyed Manage expectations. It’s nice to have...