6 Strategies To Turn A Bad Day Around
It is so easy to start the day on the wrong foot. You spill coffee all over your white shirt, the dog decided to do his business on the new carpet, the milk you...
Think Positive = Be Productive
A group of four years olds was asked to do simple learning tasks involving building blocks and putting shapes or colors together. The children were divided into two groups. The first group received instructions...
Are You F.A.T & Happy?
What would you think if a friend walked past you on the street and didn’t stop to say hello? Would you be hurt because you felt she purposefully ignored you? Would you worry you...
Why Chasing Happiness Can Make You Unhappy
We are constantly reminded of the benefits of being happy: Happy people are more successful, have better sex, have more friends, have better bodies—the list goes on. While evidence supports the overall benefits of...
Do you have NDD?
According to a recent survey seventy-five percent of children spend less time outside than the average prison inmate.
Yes, that means Bernie Madoff gets more fresh air than most kindergarteners. Adults aren’t any better. On...
Stuck in A Rut? 5 Ways to Dig Yourself Out
“Are you really a psychiatrist? Well then, can I ask you a question?” I often find myself in a situation like this in which someone I barely know—a friend of a friend, a stranger...