What Are the Three Key Ingredients of a Good Day?

I recently came across a paper outlining the three key ingredients to a day well spent: 1. Do Something Alone Such as reading, listening to music, or meditating 2. Do Something with Others Such as going out for...

Dress Rehearsal of the Mind: How to Overcome Anxiety & Build Confidence

I have always been a little skeptical of visualization techniques. The idea of telling someone to visualize winning the lottery, marrying George Clooney or getting that job at Google sounded more like “The Secret”...

Grin as You Gray

Few relish the thought of getting older. What is there to look forward to? Everything we hear about it is accompanied by the word “decline”—in energy, fitness, memory, appearance… and on and on and...

The Paradox of Horror: Why We Love To Be Afraid

Why do some people love to be afraid? Psychologists tell us we are pleasure-seeking and pain-avoiding creatures and yet many are drawn to scary movies and other hair-raising experiences: Audience members of an effective horror...

Do You Talk Too Much?

I may listen for a living but, like most people, I can become a Chatty Cathy very quickly. Talking a lot is tempting but it can also be toxic. An article by Dr. Mark Goulston, provides some...

Q+A | Whenever I’m in a bad mood, people always tell me to let...

Question: When I'm in a bad mood, people always tell me I have to let it go. How do I do that? Answer: Elsa in the film Frozen is probably the only person who has ever benefitted...