When Was the Last Time Something Took Your Breath Away?

When was the last time something took your breath away? I polled a few friends to explore this question and got a range of responses: gazing at the night sky, attending the Broadway show Hamilton, witnessing a baby’s first steps, being caught in a thunder storm, visiting the Grand Canyon, listening to Ave Maria, watching the Williams sisters hug after Venus defeated Serena at the US Open and beholding the beauty of the Tribute in Light, the twin beams that invoke the Twin Towers. Of note, not one person said they experienced awe reading email.

The sensation of awe is universal but hard to describe—“jaw-dropping,” “goose bump giving,” and “spine tingling” are often used to capture that sense of wonder that awe inspires. Indeed, the experience of awe occurs in the body as much as it does in the mind.

Psychologists are beginning to explore the benefits of awe and how these experiences are life-enhancing.

Studies show that awe makes people feel:

1. Less rushed for time.

2. More ethical when making decisions.

3. More patient.

4. Less materialistic.

5. More willing to volunteer to help others.

6. More generous.

In the words of one researcher:

Shifting your focus toward something vast is bound to put your problems in perspective and open you to the greater world.

Of course, in order to experience awe one must be open to it. As life speeds by it is easy to miss those jaw-dropping moments. A sunset won’t take your breath away if you are staring at your iPhone.

So look up once in a while – there’s a chance you’ll find yourself in awe.

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.

–Albert Einstein

I wish you all the best,

Dr. Samantha Boardman

The Texting Dead: The Dangers of Texting While Walking

In this age of technology we are more connected than ever before. With the touch of a smartphone we are whisked into a world of social media, virtual interaction and information. Facebook, texting, Twitter, Instagram, online dating, email and Google, to name a few, have allowed us to redefine intimacy and engagement. However, as important as these virtual connections are, it is equally important to be present and aware of our actual surroundings.

In recent years, texting while walking (TWW) has attracted attention for the dangers it poses to pedestrians. Statistics aren’t required to note the trend of TWW. When walking down a city block, people no longer pay attention to what’s in front of them. Their faces are buried in smart phones while navigating dangerous traffic, uneven sidewalks, other pedestrians and waiting on train platforms. The data behind TWW related injuries and deaths isn’t precise lack of witnesses, doctors and nurses failing to make note, and victims unable or understandably too embarrassed to explain how the mishap occurred. Experts believe the number of pedestrian-texting injuries – mostly facial fractures, nosebleeds and lacerations to the feet and ankles—may exceed two million per year, with estimated deaths at a minimum of 4500 per year. The precise numbers aren’t the primary concern of officials; it’s the rising trends that worry them. Documented TWW accidents have doubled since 2005 and are expected to double, at the very least, by 2015.

Recently, a study set out to determine exactly why texting while walking is hazardous to our physical health and well-being. Researchers studied both reading and texting, as well as the impact on other people around the texter. They concluded that it can, understandably, “negatively impact the balance system” exposing individuals to not just catastrophic accident risks but also long-term damage to posture:

In comparison with normal waking, when participants read or wrote text messages they walked with: greater absolute lateral foot position from one stride to the next; slower speed; greater rotation range of motion (ROM) of the head with respect to global space; the head held in a flexed position; more in-phase motion of the thorax and head in all planes, less motion between thorax and head (neck ROM); and more tightly organized coordination in lateral flexion and rotation directions.

Anatomy aside, consider this: it’s believed that Americans spend an average of 2 hours and 42 minutes using their smartphones in a non-talking capacity (i.e. reading, writing or playing games). How much of that time is spent texting or emailing while walking? The reality is that we weren’t designed to text while walking; we were designed to walk, look up and pay attention.

With access to technology, mindfulness of our non-virtual environment takes even more practice. The promise of better posture and safety may not be as attractive as the immediate comforts of connecting with others instantly. It is easy to forget that the world around us holds more mystery, beauty and awe than the world beyond our new Retina display.


I wish you all the best,

Dr. Samantha Boardman

Your Body Really Is a Temple (Not a Bodega)

Regular exercise may be far more important for our physical and mental health than we realize. It’s not just about looking good. Regular physical activity reduces the risk of dying from cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Moreover, exercise has been shown to boost brainpower, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety and enhance the immune system. In fact, according to a study, people who walk to work are 40% less likely to have diabetes as those who drive to work. A Danish study showed that walking or biking to school improves concentration in students.

The benefits of exercise abound. However, it’s important to keep in mind that sustained bouts of exercise alone may not be enough. In fact, the health advantages of going to the gym for an hour in the morning may be cancelled out by sitting at a desk for the next eight hours. Our bodies were built to move so it comes as no surprise that prolonged sitting is a health hazard. Being active throughout the day is what counts:

Regular prolonged movement — at whatever intensity level can be safely managed — should be built into everyone’s daily habits and physical environment.

Think of the many ways you can embed more movement into your day throughout the day: Take the stairs, get off the subway or the bus a stop early, get a dog, instead of ordering in pick up lunch, etc. Once you start paying attention, you recognize that opportunities to move more are everywhere.

The human body has two ends on it: one to create with and one to sit on.  Sometimes people get their ends reversed.  When this happens they need a kick in the seat of their pants.

–Theodore Roosevelt.

I wish you all the best,

Dr. Samantha Boardman

I’ll Have What She’s Having: Is Your Dinner Partner Making You Fat?

There is an old saying, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” Research suggests we can adapt it to, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your waistline.”

How much food your dining companion eats has a big influence on how much you eat. This is good news if you have a health conscious dinner partner and not such good news if your dinner partner is the type who makes four trips to the all-you-can eat buffet.

The research shows that social factors are a powerful influence on consumption. When the companion eats very little, people suppress their food intake and eat less than they normally would if alone.

If the social model eats a large amount, people have the freedom to eat their normal intake, or even more…

Instead of relying on internal signals like hunger or a feeling of fullness, people look to others to decide how much to eat without even realizing it.

The effect is observed in many different situations: with healthy and unhealthy snack foods, during meals, when the diner has been deprived of food for up to a day, and among children, and it occurs independent of people’s body weight.

You don’t even have to be dining together for this to work. Just knowing your partner ate a cheeseburger with fries for dinner is enough to give you permission to do the same.

It even occurs when the companion is not physically present and diners are simply given a written indication of what that other person ate.

If you are trying to lose weight, it’s not just about portion size and counting calories. The company you keep matters too.

Choose your dinner partner wisely.  Remember, you are what your friends eat.

I wish you all the best,

Dr. Samantha Boardman

Skinnier & Smarter, Just Hold the Whipped Cream

When I am trying to be “good,” I eat berries for dessert. New research suggests that eating berries BEFORE a meal may be an even better strategy.

In addition to being a healthy snack, the study shows that those who consumed fresh berries as a late afternoon snack ate 16% less of their dinner than those who had a calorie equivalent snack of “candy berries.” (You know the kind—think gummy bears with a berry flavor and shape). The fresh berry eaters were satisfied with a smaller dinner. They were instructed to eat until they were full and they chose to eat less.

There is strong evidence that eating berries benefits the brain too. Blueberry-fed rats have better memories than their standard-chow fed peers. They also demonstrated better balance and coordination (the task was to traverse a rotating rod—the equivalent of a turning balance beam). Most impressive was how age-related deficits were reversed in the berry-munching rats.

Stressed out young rats also benefit from consuming a diet full of berries. Both behavior and cognitive function improved when more color in the form of berries was added to their diet. Studies in real live people support the finding in rats. When researchers gave young adults a cup and a half of blueberries, their mood improved.

On that note, pass the berries. Hold the whipped cream.

I wish you all the best,

Dr. Samantha Boardman

Is Eating on the Go Making You Hungry?

Everyone is in a hurry these days but eating on the go is not the answer. Sorry Go-Gurt and pre-packaged cereal (Just add milk!) but taking a break to eat is well worth it.

A recent study showed how people who sit down to eat are more likely to make healthier choices and cultivate better eating habits. In fact, research suggests that eating on the go may even fuel hunger.

A New York Times article explains:

Eating on the go may not even register in the mind as eating, and may even register as exercise…The trick is to eat in a conscious and focused way.

Participants who ate cereal bars while walking ate five times as much when they were offered a snack later on, compared with those who had eaten while sitting down. Indeed, eating on the go may even be worse than eating in front of the television.

The lead researcher explains the value of pressing pause during a busy day and how taking time out to eat boosts energy and productivity:

It’s important to punctuate your day with breaks so that you can recharge and take stock as a means to relieve stress and work more effectively. It’s also important to turn eating into an occasion so that food is registered and eaten mindfully.

Take time to eat and sit with a friend whenever you can. I guarantee the food will taste even better.


I wish you all the best,

Dr. Samantha Boardman