What You and Leonardo da Vinci Have in Common

I have always thought of creativity as something you are either born with or not. Without disclosing too much, I didn’t win any awards in art class. But research tells a different story. A study found that imagining you are an eccentric poet can significantly boost divergent thinking, a key indicator of creative potential.  

The people in the experiment who channeled their inner Lord Byron managed to generate significantly more original ideas when asked to generate creative uses of everyday objects. Those who were instructed to imagine themselves as rigid librarians were not as successful on the divergent thinking task.

Divergent thinking enables people to see problems from many perspectives and to generate novel solutions, concepts, and ideas. Leonardo da Vinci, Steve Jobs, Lin Manuel Miranda, and Ai Weiwei are all classic divergent thinkers. According to the study, with a little imagination, you can be too.   

There are those who would have us believe that you must always be yourself but as this study underscores, always being yourself might be holding you back. Psychologically removing yourself from a situation and the social constraints reality imposes frees you to become the person you would like to be. Acting like someone who has the capabilities you strive for enables you to access them for yourself. Dress up as your creative hero this Halloween. Any ideas for a good Leonardo costume?

I wish you all the best,

Dr. Samantha Boardman

I Want It And I Want It Now

Patience may be a virtue but it’s wearing thin. A study of over 2000 British adults confirmed what most of us already know, we hate to wait and we are less patient than ever.

Frustration sets in after:

  • 25 seconds of waiting for a traffic light to turn green

  • 20 seconds for ink to dry on a greeting card

  • 18 seconds looking for a pen

  • 16 seconds of waiting for a webpage to load

  • 14 minutes waiting for an order to arrive in a restaurant

People don’t even have the patience for experiences traditionally associated with relaxation:

“Even a cup of tea, an undeniable symbol of British leisure time, incited anger among respondents if the kettle took more than 28 seconds to boil.”

The study did not inquire what would happen if they had to wait for milk and sugar.

Despite the desire for immediate gratification and growing impatience, the reality is that everyday life requires a great deal of patience. Whether it’s waiting for a subway, standing in line at the DMV, grasping a difficult concept, completing a challenging project, or dealing with a difficult person, knowing how to cope with frustration is important for wellbeing and goal achievement.

While most people think of patience as a trait people either have–as in, “Samantha is such a patient person” or don’t have, research shows that patience can be increased. Gratitude, meditation, and emotional regulation strategies like reappraisal have all been shown to help people grow their patience muscle.

One last thought, model patience for your kids. You can react to a traffic jam by honking your horn or shouting out the window or you could think of it as more quality time to spend with your child.

“Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet.” Aristotle 

I wish you all the best,

Dr. Samantha Boardman

Kiana Cabell and Gigi Goldman

Kiana Cabell and Gigi Goldman are the Co-Founders of Kopari Beauty, a company that makes clean, coconut products ranging from skin, hair and personal care.

Parents, Save Your Breath

What’s the best way to motivate a student who lacks motivation? 

I frequently encounter parents who ask me this question. Full disclosure, it’s a question I would like an answer for myself. Getting my children to do homework is no easy feat.  Punishment for not doing it is one strategy but realistically, how many times can you take away their phone? Rewards are another option but studies show that this is not necessarily a good idea. It might work for a little while but always expecting something in return for putting in the effort can actually undermine motivation.  For instance, if you incentivize your child to get good grades with cash, it’s unlikely they will ever find any internal motivation to want to learn on their own.  

My go-to strategy has always been to explain why working hard is important and then to offer time tested advice about creating solid study habits. I worked my tail off in school and think of myself as a treasure trove of information about how to do well. For years, I was convinced that my words of wisdom would light the academic fire within my children. Perhaps seeing their eyes glaze over as I banged on about the benefits of applying oneself and doing one’s best should have alerted me to the reality that the message wasn’t sinking in. 

So, what does help? Research from the University of Pennsylvania offers a counterintuitive solution. Instead of giving students expert advice about how to do well in school (as I have been doing ad nauseam), ask them to provide advice to other students about how to do well. In the study, middle school students (6th, 7th, and 8th grades) who shared their thoughts about why school matters with 4th graders and, specifically about the importance of doing vocabulary homework, became more motivated to study vocabulary themselves.  To measure motivation, the researchers tracked the number of minutes advice-giving students spent on an online vocabulary training program following the intervention.

Here is an example of a 7th grader’s words of wisdom to a younger student:

“As you become older, you start to realize what is important to you. I realized that school and academics are the most important thing. It is still fun to do things outside of school, but you have to realize what is important to you.”  

A different group of middle schoolers received advice from teachers on how to be better students. Here is an example: “Trying your hardest is always the way to go. You should always try and do better. Don’t settle. Always try to make things better and better. You need to put in your full effort, not just coast by! Sometimes that means putting in a lot of time after the school day ends, like studying vocabulary online. It’s very important to apply yourself to your work, even once the school day is over.”  

These tips are remarkably similar to the ones provided by yours truly to my kids. In the same way that my advice has had minimal impact, the teachers’ advice didn’t affect student motivation either. These advice receivers didn’t spend any more time studying vocabulary afterwards.  

Contrary to the assumption of well-meaning parents and teachers everywhere, explaining to children why and how they should study doesn’t make much of a difference. It seems that children are fully aware of the value of an education and optimal study habits.

In other words, they don’t need more information. What they need is motivation. A more effective strategy is to ask them to give advice to other students.  What is so special about giving advice? It boosts confidence and is empowering. Instead of being a struggling student in need of guidance, when you give advice, you become a new person with valuable experience capable of providing guidance. Plus, human beings like to be consistent. When advocating for an idea, we take ownership of it. In the process of telling another person about how important something is, we remind and persuade ourselves of its importance too.   

The motivational power of giving advice isn’t just for students. People trying to lose weight, control their temper, save money, and find a new job became more motivated after giving advice to other people facing the same issues than when they received advice from experts. Helping others fueled their own desire to be successful.  

All too often, we confuse motivational problems with informational deficits. Getting advice from others is helpful only when we lack information but not in areas when we’re already in the know.  Indeed, most are fully aware of what they need to do in order to eat healthier, save money, control their anger, and be better students. Traversing the gulf that separates knowledge from action is the challenge. As these studies suggest, flipping strugglers from receivers into givers provides a bridge.  

Next time you encounter a person or a child who is having trouble reaching a goal, save your breath. Instead of offering your words of wisdom, flip the script, and ask them what they would say to another person in a similar predicament. In giving, they will receive.  

I wish you all the best,

Dr. Samantha Boardman

Dr. Lara Devgan

Dr. Devgan is a top-ranked, board-certified plastic surgeon and renowned beauty expert. In addition to her surgical practice, Dr. Devgan is a medical expert for ABC News, the CEO of the luxury skin care brand Dr. Devgan Scientific Beauty, and has her own podcast, Beauty Bosses, which brings together fellow entrepreneurs and industry trailblazers to chat about their career and what has been their secret to success thus far.

Why Reading Is So Good For You

People increasingly tell me they have a hard time starting a book, let alone finishing one. Reading a book takes time and concentration-two rarities of daily experience.

There are so many competing demands on attention. Who has the time to actually sit down and lose oneself in a book? In our busy lives, quick reads like news updates and snackable articles may be the only reading we have the energy and bandwidth for but don’t let this mindset get between you and a book during vacation. A great book can make a holiday even more memorable. You will always remember where you were when you read it. Take a favorite from the past or a new one someone you trust recommends or one that takes place where you are going.

Reading opens us up to the experiences of others and provides an escape from the echo chambers of our own minds. Studies suggest it might even build empathy by awakening awareness, broadening perspective, and expanding imagination. As author L.R Knost observed, “Humanly speaking, there is no greater teacher, no greater therapist, no greater healer of the soul, than a well-stocked library.”

A patient stopped reading fiction somewhere between her first and second child. Life got in the way. Scrolling replaced deep reading. She found her way back to novels after a friend insisted she take Anthony Doerr’s All the Light You Cannot See on a trip to France.  While sitting in a cafe, instead of picking up her phone, she would reach for her book. She said it enhanced her experience immeasurably and shielded her from tumbling down the rabbit hole of pointless scrolling, commenting, and liking. The vacation is long over but the joy of reading lingers. After putting the kids to bed, instead of turning on the television, she makes a habit of reading instead. She has found that reading a few pages is the perfect vacation for a restless mind.

I wish you all the best,

Dr. Samantha Boardman