Why “Calm Down” is Terrible Advice
It’s your best friend’s wedding and you are called upon to give a speech in front of two hundred people. Unless you are Barbara Walters, odds are this fills you with dread. Public speaking...
Why are Female Hurricanes so Lethal?
Hurricanes are named according to a strict procedure established by the World Meteorological Association.They start alphabetically and alternate between male and female names. The names are selected in advance so don’t bother lobbying for naming rights.
Given the...
All or Nothing
I just love dessert. If you give me a cookie, I will eat every single crumb. For years I tried to be one of those “I’ll just have a little bite” types but it...
If You Need to Remember Something, Do This
People always say that the best way to remember something is to write it down. In college, I took this advice to heart. I would take copious notes during a lecture and then recopy...