Is Home a Feeling or a Place?

It is said that home is a feeling, not a place. But for many of us, the house we grew up in occupies sacred ground in our hearts. No matter how old we are...

How to Push Past Fear

According to most swimming superstars,“Getting in a cold pool first thing in the morning” is the single hardest thing about training. Those first few minutes are the toughest part of the day. They dread...

Lean Into Your Mistakes

For many of us, rationalizing what went wrong in the wake of a failure or disappointment is a common response. It protects us from dealing with unpleasant emotions and feeling badly about ourselves. A...

Does Chilling Out Stress You Out?

Does going on vacation stress you out? You are not alone. I have a number of patients who have difficulty winding down. As one patient explained, “The more I try not to think about...

Heat Makes You Cheat: The Link Between Summer and Infidelity

Beach balls and betrayal. A steamy romance with the tennis instructor. They sound like cheesy romance novel titles and bad late night tv movies. And yet, in a 20-year survey about health, relationships and...

Skip This Combo At The BBQ To Avoid Packing On The Pounds

If you were planning on eating a steak tonight and washing it down with a soda, think again. I am not a fan of soda—even diet—and this new study only fuels my lifelong dislike. Researchers...