Being Single May Make You Happier Than Ever

Contrary to popular belief, one is *not* the loneliest number. Increasing numbers of people are single for one simple reason: they want to be. They don't have intimacy issues, they are not selfish, and they are...

7 Ways To Make Love Last

We may live in a world that tells us to go it alone, but at heart, we are social creatures, longing for genuine connection and craving the company and love of our fellow humans....

Your Partner Doesn’t Need to Be Your Best Friend

"My goal is to marry my best friend," explained the young woman in my office. I have heard a version of this many times. There is tremendous pressure today to find a partner who...

Do You Salt Your Food Before You Taste It?

Thomas Edison, the driving force behind such innovations as the phonograph, the incandescent light bulb, and the motion picture camera, was also creative when it came to hiring new employees. As part of the...

Are You Experiencing Decision Paralysis?

The number, frequency, and urgency of decisions that demand our attention on a daily basis are exhausting. Here are 5 strategies that might help. Cream or Milk? Do you want fries with that? Should I bring an...

The Best Gift You Can Give is the Gift of Presence

You will have a better holiday if you put your phone away. A study from the University of British Columbia found that phones make social interactions less fun. “When we use our phones while we are...