Hidden Sources of Regret
If only I had moved to Boston...
If only I had taken that job...
If only I had stayed...
If only I had left...
If only I had married him...
These are all regrets I have heard before. Not...
If You Live In Fear of Making a Mistake, Consider This
Why we prefer people who aren't perfect, warts and all.
According to a classic study by psychologist Elliot Aronson, making mistakes can make us more likable. In fact, people who never make mistakes are perceived...
A Cure for FOMO
When you scroll less, you live more.
"Chill out. It's not realistic to expect to be invited to everything." These words of wisdom were not from a sage but from my 14-year-old daughter in response...
How to Help A Friend With Anxiety (From People Who Have Anxiety)
Here are 5 tips my patients tell me help the most. Take it from them. Not me.
"I'm doing just fine," explained my patient. It was late March 2020 and our lives had just been...
Spot a Narcissist (Before You Marry, Hire, Date, or Befriend One) By Asking These...
Healthy narcissism is real. So is toxic narcissism. Ask these two revealing questions to spot the difference.
Hands down, narcissism is the psychological disorder I get the most questions about. Rarely do people voice concern...
Stealth Narcissists: How to Spot Them and 3 Sanity Preserving Tips for Dealing with...
When we think about narcissism, certain qualities come to mind: status seeking, admiration requiring, self-glorifying, entitled, arrogant, and a lack of concern for others. The classic chest-thumping narcissist — the grandiose narcissist — is the one...