Spot a Narcissist (Before You Marry, Hire, Date, or Befriend One) By Asking These...
Hands down, narcissism is the psychological disorder I get the most questions about. Rarely do people voice concern over their own narcissistic tendencies. In fact, nobody has ever come to my office and said,...
Stress Isn’t All Bad: 3 Ways to Get Comfortable With Discomfort
In 1915 a German warship torpedoed the British ocean liner Lusitania off the coast of Ireland, sinking it and drowning almost twelve hundred passengers, including 128 American citizens. A hundred years later my son...
Does the Thought of Winding Down Wind You Up?
Imagine sitting alone at a restaurant waiting for a friend. How do you pass the time? Do you look around? Do you savor the alone time to reflect? Do you allow yourself to daydream?...
The Feel Good Factor: Vitality
Vitality is a word I didn't hear much in medical school or psychiatry residence. I was well versed in the language of illness, not health. Back then, vitality brought to mind a French yogurt...
The Difference Between Narcissistic And Benevolent Lies
Most of the time honesty is the best policy...but not always. Under some circumstances, telling a white lie may even help bolster social connections. Prosocial lies—lies that benefit others—are grounded in compassion and can...
You Can Stop Worrying About Finding Yourself
Ten years ago I was invited to give a talk at the American Psychiatric Association's annual meeting. In those days, I wasn't used to public speaking. Like many people, I dreaded the thought of...