Is It Too Late For Change?

“People don’t change.” I remember hearing this from one of my professors in medical school. His comment went hand in hand with everything I thought I knew about human nature: personalities are set in...

Achieve the Impossible

What makes human beings unique? In an unforgettable speech to a Stanford graduating class, neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky explores this question and challenges what many of us think about what separates us from animals. It turns...

Does Your Weekend Exhaust You?

Do you feel exhausted after the weekend? The allure of pleasant, in the moment, and easy activities is powerful. After a long week, it’s hard to resist a bowl of potato chips, a remote...

The Hidden Force of Fragrance

Thanks to a growing body of research, scientists are gaining a better understanding of the link between smell, emotion and wellbeing. Faces appear more likeable when paired with pleasant (even imperceptible) scents, and appear...

How To Take Criticism Like A Pro

We humans are really good at dwelling on stuff that make us feel bad. This negativity bias was helpful to our ancestors when survival depended on avoiding distress, danger and discomfort. It helps explain...

Can You Force Someone To Be Healthier?

In wellness, there’s no one-size-fits-all regimen. In fact, the first step on the path to a better, healthier, happier life, is choice. In a classic study, researchers placed two rats in a cage. Rat A...