What Makes Some People More Successful Than Others?

What makes some people more successful than others? Top network scientists have an answer. They found that half of the difference in career success is due to one variable. Journalist Michael Simmons explains: The bottom line?...

Do Opposites Attract?

In subways and movie theaters, on the bus and in cafeterias, we gravitate towards people who look like us. Recent studies explore this tendency. In a pool of over two thousand students, people wearing glasses consistently sat...

Why to Care About Sharing

Does chocolate taste better when shared? Absolutely, and research backs it up. Sharing an experience with another intensifies it. According to the study’s lead researcher, Erica Boothby of Yale University: When people are paying attention...

(Not So) Famous Last Words

Do people become more grateful when they are asked to reflect upon their own mortality? Studies show that taking time to thinking about one’s death can actually promote healthy behaviors and help people prioritize what matters most to...

How To Be Undefeated…Even In Defeat

“Work, shmerk...” remarked my exasperated client. She rolled her eyes as I tried to explain the value of finding meaningful and inspiring work. She was miserable working at a fashion company with its toxic...

Why We Love Talking About Ourselves

People just love to talk. We communicate with each other all day long through text messages, emails, phone calls, and face-to-face interactions. Language is a powerful communication tool that enables us to connect, to...