The Truth About Happily Ever After

What does it take to make a good marriage? A study at the University of Virginia explored this question in depth. The results challenge some of our fundamental beliefs about wedded bliss. What happens in Vegas...

33 Things I Will Tell My Daughter

Do you spend enough time with your children? This question haunts many busy parents, including me. It is based on the assumption that the more time we put in today, the better off they...

Is Lunch Ever Just Lunch?

There is something sacred about dining together. The mutual enjoyment of food, drink and conversation is about sharing an experience. In a romantic context, there is often the promise of a different kind of...

Hiding in Plain Sight

If a man dressed in a gorilla suit walked in front of you, stopped, beat his chest, and then continued on his merry way, would you notice? Before answering this question, consider the famous gorilla video....

What Makes Some People More Successful Than Others?

What makes some people more successful than others? Top network scientists have an answer. They found that half of the difference in career success is due to one variable. Journalist Michael Simmons explains: The bottom line?...

What Sacrifices Would You Make To Save Face?

Who cares about what other people think? Despite the contemporary mantra that it doesn’t matter, most of us care a great deal about how others see us. People will go to extraordinary lengths to...