Everyday Vitality - Science-backed, research-driven, actionable strategies for countering stress and building your resilience.
Apollo’s Arrow - Apollo’s arrow is the account of our lives amidst the pandemic and how the recovery will unfold in the coming years, backed by history and contemporary sciences.
Breath - James Nestor, author of the fascinating book Breath, argues that most of us are breathing all wrong – with our mouths open and without any intention or awareness. Read this and prepare to never breathe the same again.


Reflect, Don’t React

According to the old adage, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all. (As an aside, growing up, my...

The Benefit of Keeping Your Feelings to Yourself

Whenever Abraham Lincoln felt the need to give someone a piece of his mind, he would fire off a harsh letter. Putting pen to paper was...

The Problem With Labeling People as ‘Toxic’

Toxic is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days. As a psychiatrist, I hear it frequently during therapy sessions—to describe parents,...

Forget Work-Life Balance

Have you ever met someone who has actually achieved work-life balance? I haven’t. As Oliver Burkeman wrote in the best-selling book Four Thousand Weeks: Time...

When It Comes to Venting, Sharing Is Not Caring

It is no wonder that my patient felt drained after spending a weekend with an old friend who was known to be a relentless...


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