8 Counterintuitive Strategies for a Happier Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Here are a few tips to help you and your family keep the peace and make the most of the holiday: 1. Be clear-eyed Manage expectations. It’s nice to have...

A Counterintuitive Strategy to Give Yourself a Boost

When someone is going through a rough patch, the typical recommendation is that they speak to a professional about what is bothering them. Articulating one’s feelings and challenging negative thought patterns, the thinking goes,...

The Secret to Waking up Alert and Refreshe

“Until I’m 6 feet under Baby I don’t need a bed Gonna live while I’m alive I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” — Jon Bon Jovi With all due respect to the venerable Jon Bon Jovi, this is a terrible...

Spot a Narcissist (Before You Marry, Hire, Date, or Befriend One) By Asking These...

Healthy narcissism is real. So is toxic narcissism. Ask these two revealing questions to spot the difference. Hands down, narcissism is the psychological disorder I get the most questions about. Rarely do people voice concern...